Sunday, November 27, 2016

Christmas Movie Series: How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

For a new series, I'd thought I'd look at some of my favorite Christmas movies due to the holiday season.
For today's fix, I thought I should start with How The Grinch Stole Christmas from 1966. Noticing something here? I'm doing this one in rhyme because Dr. Seuss' rhyming style is held very dear. Based on the book of the same name, this TV special didn't get at first that much fame. Reviews initially were just okay and it didn't make people yell Hooray! However, this special did make people smile overtime, after candy costed less than a dime. 
The story is about The Grinch who hated Christmas with a passion. His plan was to steal the Who's trees, presents, and their food ration. He thought Christmas would stop, but after realizing what Christmas meant, his plan was a flop. He ultimately gives back what he stole, and finally felt whole.
The story isn't deep, but it has no reason to be steep. This telling of The Grinch is better than the one from 2000 which is quite odd. That film is very flawed.
Universal is trying again in 2018. We'll have to see if it can surpass this version when it hits the big screen. For now, though, we have this great movie. This version is very groovy.
This was hard to make sure it kept rhyming. I'll stop for now.

Image result for how the grinch stole christmas 1966

Thursday, July 14, 2016

NES Classic Mini Announced!

Nintendo has announced a new pseudo plug and play, called the NES Classic Mini. This mini console will be released on November 11th for $60, supposedly. You can buy an additional controller for $10 if that's up your ally.
The set comes with the little NES, a controller, an HDMI cable, and a USB cable to power it. If it comes with an AC adaptor is unknown for North America, but it won't in Europe. That is easy to get around with a USB charger. The controllers are like classic controllers and use the same connector, so you can use a Classic Controller with the console, sold separately of course.
Most importantly is it's list of games. I'm not going to list all of them, but here are some highlights:
Double Dragon II, Final Fantasy, Mega Man II, Super Mario Bros. trilogy, and both Zelda games.
I'm glad that they'e doing this because my NES has seen better days. With this, you can play classic NES games in (hopefully) 1080p with save states and relive the glory days of Nintendo. I can say already that this will sell like hotcakes this holiday season.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Finding Dory Review

One of Pixar's best sequels.

Sorry for not posting anything in quite some time. I will make up for it. 
Anyway, the original Finding Nemo came out in 2003, almost 13 years ago. I've always felt like they could do more with the story and characters. When this was announced on Ellen, I wondered how they could pull off and improve upon the story. I'm glad to say that Pixar has made another great sequel.
The plot is similar to the original, for better and for worse. I noticed it early on, but it made me anticipate how they would go about doing these events. To freshen the plot, new characters were added and the new characters work well.
As I said, new characters were added in Finding Dory. From some of Dory's old friends to new acquaintances, they are well developed.
Finding Dory is also very funny. It uses jokes that anyone can get with the recurring theme being that Dory has short-term memory loss.
The film looks gorgeous and Pixar, as usual, pays attention to the smallest bit of details. The music and voice acting are also excellent. Ellen DeGeneres reprises her role as Dory and is hilarious.
While not as good as the 2003 original, Finding Dory is a worthy sequel to a Pixar classic. If you love Finding Nemo, you'll have a good time with Finding Dory.

Final Score: