Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Rant on Nintendo NES Classic Being Discontinued

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but this drove me up the wall. On April 13, Nintendo made the decision to discontinue the NES/Famicom Classic after 5 months of production. When I heard the news, I got so incredibly salty. Not long after, the NES Classics shot up to $300+ on eBay and Craigslist. This is, simply put, one of Nintendo's worst decisions they ever made.
As it stands, I am one of the many unfortunate souls that doesn't have one in their collection. I've wanted one ever since it was released back in November. The NES Classic sold 1.5 million as of December 31st, 2016, but most of them went to scalpers. What I hate most is that there was very little marketing for the NES Classic. I only remember seeing some promotion in stores like Walmart and Toys R Us, but that was it. There were no advertisements on TV,  not even during the Super Bowl. Most parents won't be able to see their children play these older games in HD.
Nintendo issued a statement to IGN about this issue. This is what they stated: “NES Classic Edition wasn’t intended to be an ongoing, long-term product. However, due to high demand, we did add extra shipments to our original plans.”  Oh, okay. You think Nintendo would've known this would sell like hotcakes, produce more, and market it properly, much like the Switch, Nintendo could've made millions of dollars more. They don't cost that much to make, so they were making bank anyway.
This just baffles me so much. I have gotten in touch with a friend who works at GameStop and he's looking out for NES Classics for me. Let's hope something comes out of this. If you're still on the hunt for one, I hope you can find one eventually.
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