Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rant on MineCraft being possibly banned in Turkey.

Recently, there was a story blowing up about MineCraft, a very popular face of gaming, being possibly banned in Turkey. It sounded like bull[bleep]! until the topic rose again recently. This time, Turkey was pretty serious about this ban.
What's the ban for, you may ask? The turkish government is calling MineCraft out for being too violent: TOO. VIOLENT. This is all sorts of stupidity and this is why.
MineCraft is rated E 10+ for exhibit A: Fantasy Violence. Do you see Blood, Sexual Content, Language, or anything of that sort in the normal game of MineCraft? No, no you don't.
Exhibit B: You can choose between two modes. There's creative mode,  where you don't have to kill anything or anyone. The mode that they're referring to as violent is Survival mode, where you have to acquire supplies by anyway you choose which includes killing animals. 
So, they call out MineCraft for survival mode? Yes, yes, they did. How did they not even look at creative mode? Logic, people. Urgh!
I hope this ban doesn't go through. I can't explain how stupid MineCraft being possibly banned in Turkey is. I'll have some links explaining this in better detail:

1 comment:

  1. Let's say bull or bullcra* instead of what you originally posted...

    A faithful and supportive reader,


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